Sunday, January 3, 2010

New AT Blog Carnival for 2010!

Happy New Year 2010!

As we move into 2010, there are many of you who have great stories, tips, tricks and know-how to share with the assistive technology blogging community. The door is wide open for all of you to share your latest interest, tool, software, story, etc. to kick off the new year.

Patrick Black, blogger of Teaching All Students, has gladly volunteered to host the Carnival as a monthly project on his blog. Maybe some of you will want to take turns and host it as well so you get some new readers and the reward of sharing with a great group of people.
New Assistive Technology Blog Carnival for a New Year will be up on January 29th. Send a link to a post you write on your blog to Patrick Black at Teaching All Students by Friday, January 25.
All the best,


Lauri President Kilmer Pond Neighborhood Assn. said...

I am interested in sharing links from your blog to mine and from my blog to yours. You can check it out at If your are interested, please contact me at Thanks.

三重古天樂 said...


1234 said...

全てお願いしっぱなしでした台湾キャバクラ本当にありがとうございました。 来年も東日本のブレインとして活躍していただけるでしょう!あひるたん氏 にさ~んの手下として、間違いなく、イジられていることでしょう。 来年はアグレッシブな調査を期待しております!アローゼン氏 直属の上司であるMARKⅡさんの行動に苦笑いをしている姿が目に入りました(笑 物腰が柔らかい印象があるのですが、実は調査はかなりアグレッシブの様です。 来年も積極的に西へ東へ繰り出していくことでしょう。K_爺氏 見た目、非常におっとりとした性格ながら